Michèle Delagrange

I SOLISTI MakerSpace

© Frank Emmers

Michèle Delagrange obtained her master's degree in Performing Arts from the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp in 2020. During her studies, she received instruction from acclaimed teachers like Lucas Vandervost, Jurgen Delnaet, Maud Vanhauwaert, Kurt Van Eeghem, and many others.

Currently, Michèle is a part of I SOLISTI MakerSpace, a multi-year program that supports young creators in their artistic development. In this traject she collaborates with Frederik Neyrinck on one of her first projects.

With a deep passion for poetry, Michèle is involved in writing, performing, and creating. She also actively participated in the presentation of the charity concert by Virago at the Queen Elisabeth Hall.

Interview with
Michèle Delagrange

In our Reflections 2021#3, you can read the double interview (in Dutch) with young creators Michèle Delagrange and Laura Daelemans, where they share insights into their projects and experiences as emerging artists.

"When art forms come together,
the different ways of thinking influence each other."

— Michèle Delagrange -